Astrology is the forcasting of occurrences on Earth based on the observation of how the Sun, Moon, and planets interact with one another over a certain period of time. This method of examining the heavens was used in ancient times for predicting weather, wars, and and ruling kingdoms. People from many different cultures believed in and accepted this form of divination. In todays world, there has been a resurrgence of interest in this vast wealth of knowledge that is readily available for anyone to use for self-empowerment.
. By looking at transits and progressions to the Natal Chart (depending upon birth time accuracy), we may gain a deeper understanding and sense of purpose. As an astrologer, my hope is to share what I have gleaned through many decades of study and consulting. I believe that through the art of Astrology, we are gifted an important way to view life and why we incarnated at this particular time with a unique set of challenges.
A consultation allows a deeper look into the timing of cycles and their subsequent impact. Once a client is able to realize how certain cycles operate, and the opportunities or limitations they may bring, it is often easier to move through these periods with grace.